Get College Car Deals Near Champaign IL

GET COLLEGE CAR DEALS NEAR CHAMPAIGN, IL AND MORE AT BAUM CHEVROLET BUICK July 28, 2019 The Car Your College Student will Love to Drive Your child has made it through high school and is about to head off to college to work toward a higher education. You want them to be able to visit you as often as possible and this means making sure they have reliable transportation that you can afford. Visit the team at Baum Chevrolet Buick to find the college car deals at this dealership near Champaign, IL. You'll be glad to give your student a great vehicle to drive. Here are some of the college car deals to drive that are being sold near Champaign, IL: 2003 Buick LeSabre - While this model is a bit older, it's still a strong performer with the reliability that makes sense and an affordable price. When you take a look at this car you'll agree that it's one of the college car deals to drive. Make sure your student can come home to Champaign, IL with this impressive car as the one they will drive. 2008 Chevrolet TrailBlazer - A great SUV from the bowtie brand is this model that can give your student room for their friends and a great drive for you. This has to be one of the college car deals to be able to drive around Champaign, IL. Check out this model and let it be the one that has the qualities you're looking for. 2013 Buick Verano - Take this small and impressive Buick sedan home and let your student see how it will be one of the college car deals. This car has the comfort your student will love and the size that makes it easy to drive it home to Champaign, IL to make a visit to you when the weekend arrives. Take a test drive with your student in this car today. 2010 Chevrolet Malibu LT - There's some amazing room in this car to give you the right one of the college car deals to drive. You'll be pleased to see this car when you visit this dealership near Champaign, IL. Take this car out for a test drive and let it be the one that you'll love to see your student drive and enjoy at college. 2013 Chevrolet Captiva Sport LT - Here's an SUV that makes sense for your student to bring items with them. This can be one of the college car deals to drive when they bring their laundry home to Champaign, IL to give you something to do when they visit. Let them take this SUV off to college to give them the ability to come home and visit. The team at Baum Chevrolet Buick has the college car deals at a price that you can easily afford. Let this be the dealership near Champaign, IL where you'll find the right vehicle to let your student take with them when you send them to college to begin to learn and grow beyond high school.